Lyubomyr Pelekh


My name is Lubomir and my prime sport is Athletics – sprinting from 60 to 200 meters.
I love sport. Since my childhood was playing some sports. My dream is to become professional athlete and do what I love. I started with athletics at 22 y.o. I know, you may think – quite late… But it is not an obstacle for me. Since I started with athletics I fell in love with this sport. Found myself in it. I do training six days a week. At work I refused few promotions, because I knew if I will take it I will not have time for training. Even though people are saying like “ you are too old already, you started late and so on „… I do believe in myself. I want to prove to myself and to others, if you really want to achieve something, and you will work on it, you will achieve it. I want to motivate people, show to young kids the proper path, to help others in different aspects.
I want to use the opportunity I have and work on my dream. Every season getting faster, stronger and persistent.
I don’t believe in talent – I believe in hard work.

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Basket Žabiny Brno


Martin Tomica


HRB Královské Poříčí, o.s.



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