Lea Prusková


I am a third-year college student representing the University of Ostrava (OSU), Czech Republic abroad. This year I am writing my bachelor’s thesis on “Development of rural regions in the United States of America“ My another academic interest is in Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Aside from the academics, which I focus virtually all of my time on, I am also a member of the Ostrava Steelers American football team in Ostrava, Czech Republic, which has helped me develop leader and cooperation skills.
This year I was fortunate enough to be recruited and able to play and showcase my talents on the field in the USA. I played a defence position for the WNFC Phoenix Prowlers football team, a women’s football team in Arizona, and I am looking for opportunities to stay in the United States in order to represent OSU on the field as well as the Czech Republic. For me it is a huge step up from the Czech amateur league to the highest possible, women’s and professional league in the USA.
I am currently looking for sponsorships to be able to continue my education abroad as well as pursuit my football career. With my story and opportunity, I would like to inspire and motivate other students and teammates to get to know other cultures, societies, and environments, to go abroad and outside their comfort zone.

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korespondenční údaje


Monika Špačková

Fitness, kondicni-posilovani, kulturistika, trx

Jan Kopecký

Bojové sporty, karate

Ondřej Horák



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