Jan Šoupal


Mountain & snb experience
2012 – 2015
Q parks Schladming, Ramsau Austria
Park shaper – ONeill Superpark Planai
Park shaper – ONeill Superpark Dachstein Glacier
 Building the XXL park with 50 obstacles, beginner, medium, pro
 Building the funslope for beginners – 2nd project in Hochwurzen
 Preparing obstacles – reparing, painting, branding
 Daily cooperation with resort manager
 Cooperation with bullydriver for building and reshape
 Daily opening and reshape of the park and chill area
 Organisation of park sponsor schootings, Adidas, O Neill, Blue Tomato
 Responsible for security, cooperation with rescue team and managing emergency helicopter landings in the park.
2008 – 2015
Meatfly Snowboards Czech Republic
Team test rider – represents skate & snowboard company
 Responsible for technical development and innovation of snowboardwear and snowboards
 Test Meatfly products in various conditions and terrains
 Communicate with manufacturers, technical&graphic designers
 Manager Meatfly boarding house in Switzerland, organize test centers in Arosa, Lenzerheide, Laax, Davos, Corvatsch….
 Preparation and shaping the spots for Meatfly photo and video shooting
2008 – 2013
Snowcamp.cz Switzerland
Prepare and organize snowboard camps in Arosa/Lenzerheide
 Freestyle coaching, avalanche courses and guiding in freeride
 Filming, shooting
 Lectures, videocoaching
 Building and shaping own camp park
 Communication with the Arosa / Lenzerheide Bergbahnen
 Communication and cooperation with camp sponsors – K2, Nikita, Meatfly, LTB, Salebra etc
2007 – 2008
Temple skate Czech Rep., Austria, Italy
Coordinator of the project „Young sports for young people“ in collaboration with Ride Snowboards
 Organize week snowboardcourses for youngsters
 Riding lessons, behavior in the mountains, lectures, history, materials, snowboard technology
 Ride Snowboards product presentations (bindings, boards, boots etc.)
 Complete education of snowboarding
2004 – 2006
Happy Hill – ski & snb school Pec p.Snezkou, Czech Rep.
Snowboard & ski instructor
 private and group lessons
 other activities according to the current needs of the school
 operation of ski lift, ski&snowboard rentals
 building and preparation of ski runs, board – cross
 assistance in organization of events, ski & snb competitions
 voluntary shaper, building & shaping Spring session.
Other experiences
Linde – Logistican Brno, Czech Rep.
Honeywell – Technician Netherlands
Alpinus – Salesman of outdoor accessories Brno, Czech Rep.
Baracuda – Barman in restaurant Brno, Czech Rep.
Elementary School (Lastuvkova, Brno-Bystrc), athletic orientation
SEE and EE of Communication Links Cichnova, course – telecommunication mechanic, school-leaving exam
Additional Data
2003 – International Exam of „IQ+ „Montur Communicatie installaties“
2004 – Cisco Networking Academy Program
First aid
Driving license „B“
Professional snowboarding instructor – license
Software: MS Office
Czech (mother language)
English (fluently)
Snowboarding, sports, nature, traveling, music, technologies, social events …
I am young, flexible and dynamic person who likes a challenge. I like to meet new people, travel and aquire new work experiences. My strengths are reliability, strong-minded personality, friendly and perfect organizational skills for solving problems.

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Aneta Erlebachová


Peter Krajčoviech

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Kristýna Havlická

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